Wednesday, February 13, 2008

2/13/08, 2:00pm, Anchorage

Yes, indeed, the temperature in Anchorage is the same as my home town of Syracuse NY: 24 degrees. Turns out that my flight to Dutch was cancelled (weather), and I will be staying in Anchorage for the night. In fact the whole team is stuck here. The team consists of Prof. Kurt Schnier (University of Rhode Island), Dr. Jennifer Lincoln (National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health), and myself. Jennifer is a local epidemiologist who studies fishery fatalities and injuries. She knows the lay of the land and will be introducing us to a civilian member of the U.S. Coast guard (Charlie), who knows all the captains and will be getting us access to vessels in port. Apparently everybody in Dutch knows and loves this guy, so we should be “in” with the captains and crews.

1 comment:

Paul said...

professor fish, like it..bring some crab back